Peer Led Performance Projects
Faceless have been creating performance projects with communities and young people since 1992, when they led their arts residency for Kent County Council.
Since then we have developed a variety of models such as Peer Led Theatre in Education, Exploring the Arts with young people with Special Education Needs and Creating Visual Arts and Storytelling Adventures
Peer led theatre education performance projects for young people aged 11 - 24. Encompassing themes of antisocial behaviour and related issues, these projects culminate in an ensemble piece, performed for local primary school age children and includes an accompanying drama workshop for the audience, led by the students and exploring the issues covered in more detail. The workshops and rehearsals include; drama, devising and scripting; physical theatre; workshop facilitation skills; sound design and set/costume designing
Working with young people with complex needs to devise, rehearse and perform physical theatre pieces, often with original music and based on a variety of themes, including identity and self-worth; peer pressure & bullying; family life or wider issues. The workshops cover a variety of activities leading towards the production and can include: script & song writing; costume, set design & making; Ÿdrama, dance & singing.
Visual arts and storytelling adventures for early years and primary aged children in which artists from Faceless deliver a series of workshops based around well known children's literature, culminating in a sharing of their unique ensemble performance for parents and friends. Participants work with a visual artist, drama and music practitioner to create their interpretation of the story. Over the course of the project, they devise and rehearse their work as well as creating props and back drops for their performance.
At least 1 of the 7 dimensions of wellness (social, emotional, environmental, occupational, physical, mental, cultural)
Young people educating other young people
Positive profile for young people
New and transferable skills and confidence for Young People
Greater understanding of health issues for Young People