Wood Street: The Heart of Wakefield
Funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund through their Townscape Heritage Fund, this project will help explore the rich heritage of the Wood Street area of Wakefield, from its beginnings to the present day.
What are your memories of Wood Street? We want your photographs your experiences, and reminiscences:
Have you ever worked on Wood Street, in the shops, offices or public buildings?
Do you know why there were riots on Wood Street?
Tell us your stories, about Wood Street, the people, places
and happenings that help to make it The Heart of Wakefield by intially contacting Charlie at Faceless Arts on 01924 335985.
We look forward to finding out about all your stories!
Research Training Sessions
Thursday 3, 10 and 24 November and Thursday 1 and 8 December 2016
10:00am - 12:00pm
Wakefield Civic Society, Room 3, Wakefield Town Hall
The first in a group of five research training sessions as part of the Wood Street Heritage Project will be held at the Town Hall on Thursday 3, 10 and 24 November and Thursday 1 and 8 December, 10:00am - 12:00pm. Sessions will take place in Wakefield Civic Society's room, Room 3 in the Town Hall, which is on the ground floor, to the left as you enter the building.
There will be light refreshments and participants will receive handouts that will build up into a full binder of information over the 5 sessions, designed to give them knowledge of where to find the kinds of information that interests them, along with a good background knowledge of both Wood Street and the Court.
During the sessions participants will be encouraged to think about which subject interests them most for their own personal research, and then throughout 2017, Phil Judkins will be available to provide advice, support and encouragement through regular meetings or via email.
If you are planning to attend these dates, please contact Phil Judkins so that we can ensure there are enough materials for participants.
For those who cannot make these dates there is a second series of five talks planned to run on Saturdays in November and December. Please contact Phil for more information.
Original art works created by young people from The Springfield Centre, Wakefield.