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Chaired by John Fox MBE

9.30am  Registration10am  Welcome  & Order of the Conference - John Fox MBE FRSA , Co-Director - Dead Good Guides


10.10  A European Community Perspective - Trevor Macfarlane - European Parliament


10.25  Follow the Dearne - Stories of People and Place - Bev Adams FRSA, Artistic Director - Faceless Arts


10.35   Funding Arts Projects in Places Least Engaged by the Arts - Jessica Farmer, Relationship Manager Touring - Arts Council England


10.45   Community Engagement in the Dearne Valley - Richard King, Dearne Valley Landscape Partnership Development Manager - Barnsley Council


10.55   Questions from floor Chaired by John Fox


11.10   Comfort break and go to break outs


11.30    Break outs      


12.15   Break out feedback


12.30   LUNCH


1.30pm  Welcome back and order of the afternoon John Fox


1.35pm  Poems of Place Ian Macmillan - Poet and Broadcaster


1:50pm  Right Up Our Street, Doncaster’s Creative People and Places Programme Andrew Loretto, Creative Producer – Right Up Our Street


2pm        Building and Celebrating Community in Hebden Bridge

Andrew Kim, Artistic Director - Handmade Parade


2.10pm    Working in partnership with disabled artists

Lisa Mallaghan, Senior Producer, & Co-workers – Mind the Gap


2.20pm   Questions from the floor Chaired by John Fox


2.35pm   Comfort break and go to break outs


2.55pm  Break outs


3.40pm  Break out feedback & Plenary Chaired by John Fox


4pm       End

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